Our Priorities

Biodiversity Alliance focuses on mitigating and creating adaptation to the climate crisis, addressing degrading behaviours, inspiring societal change and creating an alliance to bring individuals and organisations together to achieve these goals.

  • The climate crisis is a major threat to biodiversity; therefore, climate mitigation and ecosystem resilience are key. According to scientists and researchers in 2019, up to 1 million of the estimated 8 million plant and animal species on the planet are at risk of extinction, many within decades, because of human activities.

  • Addressing degrading behaviours, such as tree-cutting for firewood, is key to genuinely solving biodiversity issues. The Biodiversity Alliance will use human-centered design to engage meaningfully with communities to create sustainable economic opportunities and innovative alternatives to degrading activities.

  • We aim to use the wonder of nature and powerful narratives to help inspire societal change. Our priority is to help the societies we work with understand that we are part of nature, and we live and rely on a complex, connected natural system.

  • An alliance that supports, compliments, inspires, and learns from each other is stronger than the sum of its parts. Biodiversity Alliance aims to create strong connections with stakeholders, communities and individuals to join together to achieve the same vision: to let nature be nature.

Our Focus Areas

In order to achieve our priorities, Biodiversity Alliance has three major focus areas that drive our mission: Reforestation and Restoration, Learning and Connecting, Protection and Conservation.