Mandulis Energy
“The future does have a name, and its name is hope”
-Peter Nyeko, co-founder of Mandulis Energy
About Mandulis Energy
Mandulis Energy is a developer of renewable energy projects in emerging markets. It was started in Uganda, where their pilots are operational. They develop both on-grid and off-grid power projects.
Crucially, Mandulis Energy are committed to creating and deploying new technologies and approaches, including proprietary software, to address the energy access "trilemma" by reconciling reliability, sustainability and affordability.
Mandulia Energy deliver a triple top-line sustainable business that crystallises the social, commercial and strategic value of the abundance of renewable energy resources across Sub-Saharan Africa, and leverages the commercial, policy and regulatory developments driving the transition to low carbon economies.
Peter, Mandulis co-founder, with a staff member display their eco-friendly cooking briquettes.
Our Partnership
The Mandulis and BA partnership began in early 2021 while discussing innovative solutions to increase the wellbeing of the farmers facing human-wildlife conflict (HWC) while adapting and mitigating climate change and protecting the wildlife.
With Mandulis’ technology and circular economy model REPARLE (Renewable Energy Powering Agriculture and Rural Livelihood Enhancement) and BEPeARL (Bio-Energy Powering Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods) being installed in the communities bordering National Parks and Wildlife Reserves will decrease pressure on nature by decreasing the demand for firewood giving accesible and affordable green pellets made out of agri-waste and/or scrub waste from invasive plants. Overall, this project provides an “insurance scheme” that allows the communities to be cover regardless any wildlife damage to their crops or livestock.